Friday, 15 June 2012

Premium Beautiful by Red Mummy

2 months ago I approached Red Mummy to wear Premium Beautiful coz she's been complaining her tummy tak tau nak sorok mana.. Biasalah bila dah beranak sorang, dua orang and counting mesti ade masalah ni. And dah namanye perempuan tak boleh pisahkan dengan kecantikan bukan?!

So with the help of Premium Beautiful, after 2 months she almost lost 6 inches!

Walaupun Kak red bersize petite je orang nye, kalau orang tengok mesti fikir kak red tak perlu dah corset ni.. But I was WRONG!

PB ni membantu kak red yang kerjanya 24 7 depan PC now only mengempeskan perutnya tapi menjaga posture tulang belakang. So seharian bekerja tak sakit pinggang yaaa!!

This image worn by our model Sandy kawan kak red.

Premium Beautiful consist of 3 parts:

  • Long Girdle
  • Waist Nipper
  • Long Bra
Ni antara soalan2 cepu emas yang selalu ditanya

Boleh tak I pakai girdle nye je?

effectnya takkan sama, as Long Girdle akan menolak semula lelemak ke atas.. and u end up having a muffin top... u mesti x nak kan?

Harga berapa ye?
ok pricenye ialah RM2300 (size kecil), RM 2600 (saiz besar). BUT, if you buy now..ada special gift worth RM 150 sempena raya..nak x?
Selesa tak?

I believe if you're deal with the right person, you will get the comfortable size.. so pakai takde la menyeksakan. And the material itself is thermo regulate. Made of akwatek n akwadyne.. bila suhu panas ia bertindak menyejukkan badan dan bila sejuk dia memanaskan bandan

Berapa lama nak kena pakai?
minimum at 8 hours a day, and semasa memakai PB seelok2 nya minum 8 gelas air sehari.

Payment method macam mana pulak?
is either CASH, Credit Card or also RHB easy installment plan.

Kalau i duk overseas macam mana?
Boleh je i can courier it to yourdoor step. pilih je ape2 delivery services of your choice.

I lahirkan anak secara c-sect, boleh tak pakai PB ni?
Bolehhh!! Tapi lepas luka jahitan sembuh ye..

Lifetime Warranty tu cover ape?
Cover semua any defects koyak, cabut, patah etc. For RM2000 it is worth investment!!
***sumber CDM Hanis

Ada ape2 soalan lagi? jangan memalu email saya or call 0193866948!

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